viernes, 17 de febrero de 2012

The most beautiful song:
     Have you ever heard of the genious of impressionist painting, Vincent Van Gogh? Well, many people have...
     But, there are many different ways to talk about painters... and many things to say about them.
     Don McLean just got into Van Gogh's soul to talk about him in this song called Starry Night. In my opinion the best tribute to the world famous painter. Don't you think that the connection between artists is sometimes stronger than the links existing among brothers or sisters... or even lovers....??
     Enjoy the meloldy

Don McLean: Starry Night with lyrics

  1.  Can you name four different adjectives refering to colours thant are mentioned in the song?

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    What about four different names of fowers or plants?

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  2. Can you explain the sentence: 'You took your life, as lovers often do'?


  3. Do you know any other celebrities, genious, or famous people in general who 'took their lives'?
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 4. Can you find in the lyrics of the song other words that contain the sound /ei/ as for instance: grey??

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5. Finally, can you find on the web other Van Gogh's famous paintings and write their names? Have you ever heard of the 'Sunflowers'?

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